
Solar Panels

We are enthusiastic to make this world a better and brighter place for tomorrow, by offering low-cost, sustainable, eco-friendly and renewable energy solutions. These absorb the sun rays as an energy source to produce electricity or heating. We keep up to date with the latest technology trends and offer a wide range of efficient photovoltaic (PV) panels. They have a high durability of more than 25 years. We continuously focus on enhancing the visuals and quality of our panels. We offer a broad spectrum of panels to cater for your exact desired requirements be it commercial or residential. The advantages of investing in panels are, energy costs reduction and increase in home value. It’s a clean and renewable source of energy too.

We offer 3 types of solar systems:

Hybrid Solar System

In a hybrid system, solar panels remain connected to grid power and have a backup battery system that stores excess power. They are inclusive of an efficient inverter which transmits direct current (DC) to and from your batteries, and channels alternating current (AC) between the grid and your home/office when necessary. The benefit of this system is that power will always be available as the battery will store the excess energy which can be used during nights, inclement weather, or system blackouts.

Grid Tie Solar System

A grid-tied system uses solar panels to generate electricity. The power produced is consumed directly through a grid tie inverter and excess power can be exported to the grid, similarly, when more power is required, those needs are met by power from the grid. This system is optimized for commercial applications. Benefit of this system is that installation cost is low

Off Grid Solar System

This system is designed to work in situations where there is no mains connection to the grid. They are fully self-contained systems that can generate, store and provide power to the property. These systems are best suited for households and enterprises located in remote locations where the is no grid access. The advantage of this system is complete independence from Kenya Power and its constantly rising prices. It provides freedom to choose the electricity source and impacts it has on the environment

Solar Inverters

Inverters are extremely crucial in the solar power system. They are power electronic devices that are used to convert direct current that is generated by the solar panels, to alternating current that is
used by the electrical grid. Inverters are more useful than you think, here are some of its roles and benefit.

  • Covert energy from DC to AC power
  • Maximization of energy production
  • Ensuring safe system operations
  • It’s a clean source of energy (no greenhouse effect)
  • Provides relief from constant power cuts.
  • Detects faults that might damage your solar power system

Our Office:

We are enthusiastic to make this world a better and brighter place for tomorrow, by offering low-cost,sustainable, eco-friendly and renewable energy solutions.

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